LCM Global Outreach
2014 Madegascar Trip
Click on documents listed. (pdf files)
Information - page 1
Application - page 2
Application - page 3
Application - page 4
Information - page 1
Application - page 2
Application - page 3
Application - page 4
Mission Outreach to Belarus
Since 1999, LCM has an ongoing outreach to Grace Church in Smilovichi and Chervin, Belarus. We assist the churches with various needs such as building physical facilities in both towns and support for various outreaches in their communities through Summer Youth Camps and orphanages. We also support Pastor Alexander Riazantsev, Pastor Sasha Shepula and our interpreter Elena Baranova financially each month.
Lutheran World Relief Quilting Group
The LCM Quilting Ladies
Lutheran World Relief is a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS), individuals and parish groups in international relief, development, advocacy and social responsibility. Lutheran Church of Mahomet Quilters Group is a wonderful group of women who get together once a week to assemble quilts as well as baby layettes, school kits and personal kits for Lutheran World Relief. LWR is a worldwide organization that distributes these items all over the world where the need is the greatest. Last October we shipped 551 quilts & blankets, 207 layettes, 180 school kits and 257 health kits to LWR. A special thank you goes to those who have donated fabric and items for all of the kits.
ELCA World Hunger
ELCA World Hunger is a comprehensive and sustainable program that uses multiple strategies- relief, development, education, and advocacy – to address the root causes of hunger and poverty. ELCA World Hunger responds to neighbors around the corner and around the world.
Mission to Haiti
In 2011, LCM donated money to a member of our congregation for her mission trip to Haiti.
She instructed new and expectant mothers basic skills for caring for their new families.
She instructed new and expectant mothers basic skills for caring for their new families.