Synodically Authorized Minister (SAM)
Dia Nuesmeyer
Cell: (217) 840-9846
Home: (217) 586-5683
What is a Synodically Authorized Minister?
Synodically Authorized Ministers are called in Baptism to the Priesthood of All Believers. Christ is served through full time vocation other than the Church. Service to the church is part of the common mission shared by all believers. The sharing of a Synodically Authorized Minister’s gifts for ministry within the congregation of record are exercised in light of the congregation’s constitution and bylaws, and in consultation with the local pastor. Synodically Authorized Ministers are to uphold and affirm the office of pastor in the local congregation.
- Are strengthened in their baptismal call with some specialized training to serve on an as needed basis.
- Oversight by SAM Subcommittee and staff liaison, with more informal approach.
- Less formal study as outlined in the Central/Southern Illinois Synod foundational document, no graduate study required
- When approved, serves at the discretion of the bishop of the Central/Southern Illinois Synod.
- Preside at the Sacraments only with a special letter from the bishop, specifying the location and time period effective.
- May officiate at weddings only with a letter from the bishop stating the name of the couple, the date of the service, and the location of the service.
- May officiate at funerals when serving in a congregational setting.
- Are familiar with the document “Visions and Expectations” and agree to live in accordance with the values stated therein.
- Grows in faith and knowledge through continuing education.