Today's Bible Verse: Mark 6:31-32
"He (Jesus) said to them, 'Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.' For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in teh boat to a deserted place by themselves."
Today's Reflection Questions:
Where do you go to "rest a while"?
What do you do when life is so hectic that you "have no leisure even to eat"?
Today's Prayer Topic:
When life gets hectic, pray for God to give you rest.
"He (Jesus) said to them, 'Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.' For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in teh boat to a deserted place by themselves."
Today's Reflection Questions:
Where do you go to "rest a while"?
What do you do when life is so hectic that you "have no leisure even to eat"?
Today's Prayer Topic:
When life gets hectic, pray for God to give you rest.